Wires and Nerve



Tür: Fantastik
Goodreads Puanı: 4.14 (20881 oy)
Yayınlanma Yılı: 2017
Sayfa Sayısı: 238
“I misread the romantic tension, didn't I?”
When rogue packs of wolf-hybrid soldiers threaten the tenuous peace alliance between Earth and Luna, Iko takes it upon herself to hunt down the soldiers' leader. She is soon working with a handsome royal guard who forces her to question everything she knows about love, loyalty, and her own humanity. With appearances by Cinder and the rest of the Rampion crew, this is a must-have for fans of the series. 
“It is a beautiful irony that the great queen we've ever had is the first to take off her crown.”
“She could be a fire hazard. Maybe we should remove her from the ship before she spontaneously combusts.”
“That's not necessary. I'm doing what any good friend would do, out of loyalty and Lunar patriotism and--"
"I'll buy you a new pair of shoes."


Ay Günlükleri serisinin en azından Winter’a kadar olan kısmını okumayanlar için spoiler içermektedir. Wires and Nerve ,Cinder’in tahta geçtiği andan sonrasını Iko karakterini baş role koyarak ele alıyor. Bence oldukça zevkli. Gerek kitap yerine çizgi roman olması,gerek zaten hali hazırda sevdiğim karakterlerin etrafında dönmesi kitabı sevme nedenlerimdendi. Ülkemizde hala bir çevirisinin olmaması ise üzücü… Seriyi sevenlerin kaçırmasını istemem. İngilizce’si zor değil,bazı kelimeler problem olabilir ancak sayıları çok fazla değil. Karakterleri özleyenler mutlaka okumalı. Çizgi romanın ikincisi Gone Rogue’u en yakın zamanda okumayı planlıyorum.  


This review contains spoilers for those who haven't read books of The Lunar Chronicles at least up to Winter. Wires and Nerve focuses on Iko after Cinder took the throne by putting her in the lead role. I think it's quite enjoyable. The reasons I liked the book were that it was a comic book instead of a book and that it revolves around the characters I already love. It is a pity that there is still no translation in my country… I don't want those who love the series to miss it. The language of this book is not difficult, some words may be a problem, but not too many. Those who miss the characters should definitely read it. I plan to read the second comic Gone Rogue as soon as possible.

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  1. Karakterleri özledim :-( Bu seriyi çok sevmiştim. Devamıyla ilgili ne çıksa okurum. Umarım en kısa zamanda ülkemizde basımı Türkçe olarak yapılır. Kalemine sağlık.


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